Winter Crews Are Ready in Homeplace and Texas!
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Voyageur Outward Bound School
Photo Credit: Rachael Pace
Greetings VOBSters,

It's the holiday season,
And brand new students, are coming 'round
The winter snow (and desert sand) is white on the ground
When instructors get into town
They'll be trained and pumped to see students arrive...

It's expedition season,
And our instructors, got skills and initiatives,
For every student, and every course,
They will meet you, wherever you're at,
Wherever your adventure begins...

They will have big fat packs, upon their backs
And lots of gear for their entire crew
So get ready for belonging and purpose,
Waiting for you out in the wilderness...

It's our favorite season,
Homeplace and Texas, are ready and waiting
They are so excited to meet our new crew,
When expedition finally begins
They'll be going Outward Bound too...

Happy evening meeting,
Happy challenge and adventuring,
While the blue peter keeps waving,
Peace love and chow, to all!

Re-written lyrics inspired from Happy Holidays by Andy Williams
Happy Holidays!
Your VOBS Crew
Things We Love

Offered Once A Year! Boundary Waters Dog Sledding & Texas Leadership Semester
In the Northwoods of Minnesota, undertake a dog sledding and cross-country skiing adventure during a winter of spectacular extremes. Then, trade in cold temperatures and head down to the great American Southwest to backpack through the desert of Big Bend and paddle through the canyons of the Rio Grande. Expedition starts January 22!

Financial aid available for qualified students.
Inquire with Student Services to learn more.
Buy Your Limited-Edition Compassion T-shirt - Available Until Friday at 11:59 p.m. CST!
To lead with compassion is to lead with and for others, to be one of the crew, not a passenger. Together, we build a more resilient and compassionate world. Our Compassion Is My Compass t-shirt campaign is back by popular demand, but for a limited time only! This is a fun and unique way to give back, as all proceeds are donated back to VOBS.
Alumni Community
"To Serve, To Strive, and Not To Yield"
Stay connected and always part of our community:
You Are Needed

VOBS strives to serve every student, regardless of income. By making a donation today, you help make it possible for everyone to experience Outward Bound. Your donation helps young teens working on rebuilding their family relationships, veterans looking to find success beyond the military, and adults on the precipice of their next life stage. A gift to VOBS is just one way to demonstrate the lasting value of this experience. Thank you!

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Voyageur Outward Bound School
1007 Spruce Road
Ely, MN 55731
United States