Welcome 2023!
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Voyageur Outward Bound School
First Students of 2023 - Boundary Waters Dog Sledding For Adults Expedition!
Greetings VOBSters,

A new year has arrived! We like to think of New Years as the most Outward Bound-y of the holidays - much like an expedition, a new year brings with it a time to reflect on the experiences of the past year, time to renew and set new goals for the year to come, and time to reset through rejuvenation.

So as you embrace this new year and embark on your adventure, whether on expedition with VOBS or not, we look forward to sharing all the things that '23 brings to this community!
With gratitude,
Your VOBS Crew
Things We Love

  • The power of setting small goals to create big change long term.
  • Every wondered why Minnesota has so many lakes? Find out why!
  • Homemade giant almond croissant... yes please!
  • This beautiful quote from a recent Pathfinder student: "Something I’ll take with me is the knowledge that everybody is dealing with something that shapes the way they interact with the world. To understand their reaction, you must first understand what they have been through. To understand what they have been through, you must listen. To get the chance to listen, you must be curious enough to ask."
Texas backpacking expeditions center on the idea that living a balanced, satisfying, exciting life is not a matter of chance, but requires periodic examination and fine-tuning. This course is an opportunity to stretch your comfort zone, enhance your leadership, expand your self-awareness, and re-examine your personal goals.

Whether looking for an all-female identifying, LGBTQ+, or co-gender course, there's something for everyone in Big Bend!
Inquire with Student Services to learn more.
Alumni Community
"To Serve, To Strive, and Not To Yield"
Stay connected and always part of our community:
You Are Needed

VOBS strives to serve every student, regardless of income. By making a donation today, you help make it possible for everyone to experience Outward Bound. Your donation helps young teens working on rebuilding their family relationships, veterans looking to find success beyond the military, and adults on the precipice of their next life stage. A gift to VOBS is just one way to demonstrate the lasting value of this experience. Thank you!

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Voyageur Outward Bound School
1007 Spruce Road
Ely, MN 55731
United States